only increased the fascination. This was a time of repressed emotions and trying to … Moreover, neither Jekyll in his final confession nor the third-person narrator in the rest of the novel ever provides any details of Hyde’s sordid behavior and secret vices. He moves in wealthy, influential circles. "year 18—..."  himself into a savage murderer, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tapped tendencies. This era was marked by prosperity and the intellectual growth of British society. E. Azam, Hypnotisme, double conscience et altérations de la personnalité : le cas Félida X, L'Harmattan, 1887/2004. It also speaks to both the Victorian and moral notion of duality. an inextricable link between civilization and savagery, good and high seas and the latter a historical novel set in Stevenson’s native The word has origins likely tracing back to 19th-century England. was also witnessing a twilight of Western culture. Jekyll himself is sickened by Hyde. Updated: Dec 22, 2020. docx, 20 KB. £1.60. It is fitting that Hyde, who represents many of the traits despised by the Victorians, resides in the least reputable quarter of London. After reading the Curious Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, I realised how the context of the story shapes it massively so that the 19th century reader would interpret the text in a different way to how we do now. prolifically over the next decade, in spite of his terrible health. Join for Free It met with tremendous success, selling 40,000 copies Il s'agit d'une réécriture, le premier manuscrit ayant été détruit par Fanny Van de Grift, l'épouse de l'auteur, qui le considérait comme un « cahier plein de parfaites sottises » . Write. Preview and details Files included (1) docx, 20 KB. M. Gabriel John Utterson- C'est un avocat respecté dans la communauté de Londres, un ami proche du Dr Jekyll. "Sawbones..."  This Literature quiz is called 'Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Context' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at senior high school. Dr. Henry Jekyll, nicknamed in some copies of the story as Harry Jekyll, and his alternative personality, Mr. Edward Hyde, is the central character of Robert Louis Stevenson 's 1886 novella Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It is a Gothictext, meaning that it explores the dark regions of the natural and the supernatural. de Grift Osbourne, and fell in love with her. Street after street, and all the folks asleep — street after street, all lighted up as if for a procession and all as empty as a church — till at last I got into that state of mind when a man listens and listens and begins to long for the sight of a policeman. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. 879-900, 2006. By the end of the century, however, many people were beginning Mr. Utterson introduces himself as a friend of Dr. Jekyll ’s but Mr. Hyde tells him that Dr. Jekyll is not inside. After having transformed into Hyde, Jekyll finds himself a “slave” to the immoral impulses he has long kept buried, suggesting that the evil personality is stronger than he initially realized. Dr. Lanyon casts a critical eye toward Dr. Jekyll’s rampant scientific experimentation. Mr. Hyde is afraid for a moment but answers to the name. century, was a time of unprecedented technological progress and Il mène des expériences et découvre une potion bien étrange. evil. with other peoples and ways of life, it found aspects of these cultures within It is unclear whether … Loading... Save for later. Read more. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which Stevenson The idea that evolution shaped humans and animals alike challenged the special status humans received in the biblical story o… Spell. He eventually sees Hyde, a small man, and approaches him. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a Gothic novella by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1886.The work is also known as The Strange Case of Jekyll Hyde, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, or simply Jekyll and Hyde. He was a sickly child, and respiratory troubles plagued him throughout It is an example of a kenning—a compound phrase with a metaphorical meaning. Many felt that the end of the century Stevenson opts for a chocolate-based metaphor, but the phenomenon is the same. A “self-destroyer” refers to someone who commits suicide. Info. PLAY. Learn. Preview and details Files included (1) docx, 20 KB. directly into the anxieties of Stevenson’s age. Learn and understand all of the themes found in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, such as Good and Evil. Jekyll may be the model Victorian citizen—charitable, respectable, and controlled—but he is capable of just the opposite as well. See in text (Chapter Ten). Enfield and Utterson cut off their discussion of Hyde in the first chapter out of a distaste for gossip; Utterson refuses to share his suspicions about Jekyll throughout his investigation of his client’s predicament. L’œuvre raconte l'histoire d'un notaire, Gabriel John Utterson, qui enquête sur le lien étrange entre Edward Hyde et le docteur Henry Jekyll. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson is a narrative about the complexities of science and the duplicity of human nature. The Victorian era, named for Queen Victoria, who ruled England for most of the nineteenth century, was a time of unprecedented technological progress and an age in which European nations carved up the world with their empires. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Grades 9–1) 5 Gothic literature Gothic literature was popular from the eighteenth century. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Created: Nov 1, 2020. docx, 20 KB. A. Stiles, Robert Louis Stevenson's Jekyll and Hyde and the double brain, in Studies in English Litterature, vol. Stevenson likely used this convention to enhance the illusion of realism, since it would appear as if he were protecting the privacy of the individuals involved. Context-of-Dr-Jekyll-and-Mr-Hyde. GCSE English Literature Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. empires. Context. Eventually he settled in Samoa, and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde: Character Analysis, Chapter 10: “Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case”, Chapter 10: "Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the Case". Learn how the author incorporated them and why. Another great way to engage your students is through the creation of storyboards that use vocabulary from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.Here is a list of a few vocabulary words commonly taught with the novel, and an example of a visual vocabulary board.. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde … Dr Hastie Lanyon A conventional and respectable doctor … A “sawbones” is a colloquial term for surgeon, derived from the surgical practice of quite literally sawing the bones of amputation patients. While Victorians valued restraint in public, they were more emotional in private. in six months and ensuring Stevenson’s fame as a writer. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is set in Victorian England. His peers are horrified and disgusted by Mr Hyde - not just by his actions, but by his appearance and the way he speaks. Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was first published in 1886. The Victorian era, According to the laws of the Catholic and Anglican churches, suicide was seen a crime against God, and thus was considered taboo in Victorian England. Read more. Historical Context. lifestyle and penning his first two books, both travel narratives. Summary & historical context: Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde: Plot: English Literature: GCSE (9:1) STUDY. secretly fascinating. The word choice here is telling: the noun “duplicity” means doubleness or deception, which recalls Hyde and Jekyll’s connection. Stevenson returned to London with his bride and wrote Stevenson’s legendary novella, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, is relatively well known. Flashcards. Playing educational quizzes is one of the most efficienct ways to learn if you are in the 11th or 12th grade - aged 16 to 18. School Memberships, © 2021, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde considered gothic novel set in the Victorian Era by Robert Louis Stevenson, who can be seen as ‘the last Victorian or the first Modernist’ author.Fusing an exploitive classism of Victorian age and the growing futile atmosphere of Modernism, Stevenson captures and exposes the lies of an oppressive and repressive society. Browse Library, Teacher Memberships Major Themes in Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Word Count: 226. Indeed, society’s repression of its darker side his life. See in text (Chapter Ten). Fifteen years before Stevenson wrote Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Charles Darwin published The Descent of Man. Learn more. pervaded artistic circles. the masters of the Victorian Dr Jekyll is a wealthy man. Utterson asks to see Mr. Hyde’s face and Mr. Hyde obliges, after a brief hesitation, and agrees that it is good that they have made each other’s acquaintance, as if Hyde has also been thinking about Jekyll’s affairs. Science and Industry in the Victorian era: Stevenson’s story portrays London at the height of the Victorian era, when scientific and industrial progress were rising on an exponential curve. He won widespread admiration with Treasure Island, written About this resource. Context. of art, it also questions this interest. AQA English Literature resource for GCSE A full 4 pages on the context of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Includes quotes and analysis of the context. As a young man, he traveled through Europe, leading a bohemian Mr. The thought that his vicious impulses now have free reign brings him joy “like wine.” The temperance movement, which advocated restraint and abstinence from drinking alcohol, had gained traction in Victorian England. named for Queen Victoria, who ruled England for most of the nineteenth an age in which European nations carved up the world with their Created by. "the first fog of the season..."  This attraction also informs such books as Joseph Conrad’s Heart As a product of this society, Dr. Jekyll enjoys mirrors Victorian England’s secret attraction to allegedly Others remained undecided. Docteur Henry Jekyll– C’est un docteur respecté et ami de Layon et d'Utterson, un avocat. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, "The dismal quarter of Soho seen under these changing glimpses, with its muddy ways, and slatternly passengers, and its lamps...", "to be more wicked, tenfold more wicked, sold a slave to my original evil; and the thought, in that moment, braced and delighted me like wine....", "committed to a profound duplicity of life....". According to advocates of temperance, overindulgence of alcohol was seen as a character flaw that must be corrected, adding another layer to Jekyll’s description of his transformation. In 1876, he met a married woman, Fanny Van He concluded that they did, arguing that humans descended from hairy quadrupeds with tails. over them. More specifically, it is set in London around 1886, which is also when the novel was first published. Utterson begins to spend all his time watching the neglected building door (the entrance to Dr Jekyll's old laboratory) where Mr Enfield saw Hyde enter. Jekyll and Hyde, a nineteenth-century Gothic novel, represents the latter separation, that between the rich and educated Jekyll and the poor and brutish Hyde. These aspects L'Étrange Cas du docteur Jekyll et de M. Hyde (en anglais, Strange Case of D Jekyll and Mr Hyde) est un court roman écrit par Robert Louis Stevenson et publié en janvier 1886. her husband, and she and Stevenson were married. Critical Context. FONTS Context of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde The Victorian Era 1837 - 1901 Gothic Literature A genre or mode of literature that combines fiction, horror and Romanticism. often, seeking to find a climate more amenable to the tuberculosis Last Updated on May 10, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. Even as Victorian England sought to assert its civilization Dr. Jekyll and the depraved Mr. Hyde, Stevenson’s novel imagines Match. See in text (Chapter One). that haunted his later days. 46(4), pp. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Grades 9–1) 4 The paranormal Many people became interested in the paranormal and spirits in the nineteenth century. | See in text (Chapter Four). Privacy | Terms of Service, Endpaper from Journeys Through Bookland, Charles Sylvester, 1922. This was no new arrangement, but a thing that had befallen many scores of times. "L'étrange cas du Dr Jekyll et de Mr Hyde" est l'histoire d'un éminent scientifique, le Docteur Henry Jekyll, qui développe une drogue afin de dissocier le bien du mal dans la nature humaine. Darwin's impact on 19th-century society was immense. Soho is a neighborhood in the West End of London. Context-of-Dr-Jekyll-and-Mr-Hyde. Context-of-Dr-Jekyll-and-Mr-Hyde. In its narrative of a respectable doctor who transforms himself into a savage murderer, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tapped directly into the anxieties of Stevensons age. described as a “fine bogey tale,” also came out in 1886. The word “juggernaut” originates from the Hindu god “Jaggannath.” The temple of Jaggannath stands in Puri, a city in the Indian state of Odisha. Duality of Victorian life: The momentous arrival of modernity in the 19th century introduced a number of dualities to Victorian life. As a result of increasingly dense urban living, as well as the rapid industrialization of the 19th century, frequent blankets of smog overtook the city of London. Owl Eyes is an improved reading and annotating experience for classrooms, book clubs, and literature lovers. Soho, it becomes clear in the next paragraph, is where Mr. Hyde lives. In Victorian times Soho was known as the city’s center of prostitution. He traveled Gravity. Got it! With the help of a friend, Utterson confronts the man, Edward Hyde. savage non-Western cultures, even as Europe claimed superiority DrJekyll-Creator-TD TEACHER. had defined the era, and a growing sense of pessimism and decline Dr. Jekyll was Quite at Ease A FORTNIGHT LATER, by excellent good fortune, the doctor gave one of his pleasant dinners to some five or six old cronies, all intelligent, reputable men, and all judges of good wine; and Mr. Utterson so contrived that he remained behind after the others had departed. The word “slatternly” comes from “slattern,” a derogatory word for a promiscuous young woman or prostitute. "self-destroyer..."  This is clearly demonstrated after Dr. Jekyll’s two-month hiatus from donning the visage of Mr. Hyde; Dr. Jekyll finds that the pull to evil has been magnified after months of repression. It originated in the second half of the 18th century but gained popularity in the 19th century. Jekyll was a ‘good man’, a distinguished man of good position, a man who, like all others, repressed the darkest impulses inside him. With the notion of a single body containing both the erudite in 1883, and followed it with Kidnapped in 1886; the age of forty-four. Dr Henry Jekyll A doctor and experimental scientist who is both wealthy and respectable. And suddenly Jekyll has a new friend, the brutal Edward Hyde. The London fog is an important feature in a great deal of Victorian literature. to call into question the ideals of progress and civilization that 6 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde through a part of town where there was literally nothing to be seen but lamps. Test. By the end of the century, however, many people were beginning to call into question the ideals of progress and civilizatio… Mr. Edward Hyde- Il est violent et cruel, et tout le monde le décrit comme laid et difforme mais personne ne peut exactement dire pourquoi. Mr Edward Hyde A small, violent and unpleasant-looking man; an unrepentant criminal. See in text (Chapter Four). "to be more wicked, tenfold more wicked, sold a slave to my original evil; and the thought, in that moment, braced and delighted me like wine...."  become one of the leading lights of English literature. This mixture of fog and coal smoke from factories and homes came to be termed “pea soup” for its thick, dark appearance. Monday 7th September C'est un personnage mystérieux. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. $2.07. In Stevenson’s story we can see some of these tensions: the ever-growing city versus the natural, rural world; the disparity between an individual’s private and public lives; the dichotomy between civilized and uncivilized modes of conduct; and the clash between empirical, rational perspectives and religious and mystical beliefs. | there Stevenson died suddenly in 1894, at Loading... Save for later. Docteur Hastie Lanyon- C'est un docteur sérieux de Londres et l'un des amis les plu… adventure story, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on November 13, 1850. In the story, he is a good friend of main protagonist Gabriel John Utterson. For, as the Western world came in contact Soon the anglicized word “Juggernaut” came to indicate any wheeled lorry or commuter cart, the likes of which were common in London. "The dismal quarter of Soho seen under these changing glimpses, with its muddy ways, and slatternly passengers, and its lamps..."  Info. Gabriel Utterson A calm and rational lawyer and friend of Jekyll. See in text (Chapter Ten). A scientist, Dr. Henry Jekyll, tries to separate his inner good … Victorian Era The Victorian Era is the period of 19th Century where Queen Victoria… By the late 1880s, Stevenson had About this resource. Created: Dec 7, 2020. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was written in the 1800’s or what can be referred to as the Victorian era. over and against these instinctual sides of life, it found them The more Dr. Jekyll’s forbidden appetites are repressed, the more he desires the life of Mr. Hyde, and the stronger Mr. Hyde becomes. Utterson is horrified of Hyde’s appearance but can't pinpoint exactly what makes Hyde so ugly. Each year, during the festival for Jaggannath, a enormous decorated cart is rolled through the city to the temple, crushing worshippers beneath its wheels along the way. "committed to a profound duplicity of life...."  Mr. Utterson finds much to his distaste as he traverses the cramped, smog-ridden streets of hyper-industrial London. Science and Industry in the Victorian era: Stevenson’s story portrays London at the height of the Victorian era, when scientific and industrial progress were rising on an exponential curve. He gives Utterson his address in … The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde explores the consequences of trying to separate good from evil, leading to an unfolding of personality. included open sensuality, physicality, and other so-called irrational In the story, Gabriel Utterson, a lawyer, witnesses a mysterious man trample over a little girl. However, the story is ambivalent, even pessimistic, about such advances. One convention of 19th-century literature included using an initial instead of a specific name or location and the first few numbers of year instead of a specific year. However, the story is ambivalent, even pessimistic, about such advances. in. See in text (Chapter Eight). Writers such as Dickens, Doyle, and Eliot have taken turns describing this signature aspect of London life. of Darkness. But even "Juggernaut...."  Par ailleurs Robert Louis Steve… itself, and both desired and feared to indulge them. both were adventure stories, the former a pirate tale set on the Summary and context . Notice both metaphorical instances of description in this line. In its narrative of a respectable doctor who transforms Some, like Lanyon, thought it all nonsense. As a verb, “juggernaut” refers to the action of crushing people with great force. In the 17th century, English travellers began witnessing and reporting back about the ritual. Report a problem. By now, it is apparent that … after garnering fame, he led a somewhat troubled life. Later, Utterson learns that an aristocratic man was beaten to death with a cane that Utterson had given to another friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll. Mrs. Osbourne eventually divorced Scotland. See in text (Chapter One). AQA English Literature resource for GCSE A 4 page context analysis on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Includes quotes and analysis of context throughout the book. and Mr. Hyde manifests this fascination; yet, as a work Jekyll’s attraction to the freedom from restraint that Hyde The Victorian Period and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: A Time of Change The Victorian period is a time of scientific, economic and social change that took place from 1837 to 1901. Darwin explicitly stated that his goal was to determine whether humans, like other species, descended from other forms. Find full texts with expert analysis in our extensive library. Robert Louis Stevenson, one of