Storia militare ; EL ALAMEIN 1942 - TURNING POINT IN THE DESERT; EL ALAMEIN 1942 - TURNING POINT IN THE DESERT. [21] Artillery and the Allied Desert Air Force, making over 1,000 sorties,[45] attacked Axis positions all day to aid the 'crumbling' of the Axis forces. [64] Bristol Beaufort torpedo bombers of 42 Squadron, attached to 47 Squadron, sank the tanker Proserpina at Tobruk, three Vickers Wellington torpedo bombers of 38 Squadron destroyed the oil tanker Tergestea at Tobruk during the night, removing the last hope for refuelling the Panzerarmee. [34] The British were well aware that Rommel would be unable to mount a defence based on his usual manoeuvre tactics but no clear picture emerged of how he would fight the battle and British plans seriously underestimated the Axis defences and the fighting power of the Panzerarmee.[35]. However, like the rest of the northern coast of Egypt, its climate is slightly less hot, compared to the rest of Egypt, because of the prevailing Mediterranean Sea winds. Rommel concluded that to forestall a breakthrough and the resulting destruction of his whole army he must start withdrawing to the planned position at Fuka. Rick Stroud page 211-212, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Second Battle of El Alamein order of battle, 187th Paratroopers Infantry Regiment "Folgore", 133rd Royal Sussex Lorried Infantry Brigade, "The Battle of El Alamein, 23 October 1942", "Desert War, Note (11): Statement issued by the German Government on 6 November 1942", "Sid's War: The Story of an Argyll at War", "14 Launching the Battle and 15 The Dog Fight", Official History of Australia in the Second World War, Battle of El Alamein: map of initial dispositions, The fate of the Italians in the battle as reported by TIME MAGAZINE, The war time memories of Pte. By 16:00 there was little progress. In September, they dumped waste materials (discarded packing cases, etc.) It became clear that there were no longer enough hours of darkness left to reform, continue the attack and see it to its conclusion, so the operation was called off. Visualizza altre idee su Guerra mondiale, Seconda guerra mondiale, Esercito. Prime entdecken DE Hallo! El Alamein - La linea del fuoco (2002) Filming & Production. There is no gasoline for such a manoeuvre. In a reverse feint, the tanks destined for battle in the north were disguised as supply trucks by placing removable plywood superstructures over them. Nota serie curata dallo storico David Chandler. Roughly 15 mi (24 km) south-west of Sidi Haneish, the 7th Armoured Division encountered the 21st Panzer Division and the Voss Reconnaissance Group that morning. T-Shirts, Poster, Sticker, Wohndeko und mehr zum Thema El Alamein in hochwertiger Qualität von unabhängigen Künstlern und Designern aus aller Welt. The 7th Armoured Division was held up by the Ariete Armoured Division, which was destroyed conducting a determined resistance. Business & Beauty. Ma cosa è realmente successo in quel deserto così inospitale, dove generali del calibro di Rommel e Montgomery si fronteggiarono per più di quattro mesi? Da ragazzo di bottega alla battaglia di El Alamein. Si sono svolti oggi presso la Chiesa Parrocchiale di Roveredo in Piano in funerali di Michelangelo Scandola, uno degli ultimi sopravvissuti della storica battaglia di El Alamein (1942), deceduto nei giorni scorsi presso l’Ospedale civile di … Montgomery's plan was for a main attack to the north of the line and a secondary attack to the south, involving XXX Corps (Lieutenant-General Oliver Leese) and XIII Corps (Lieutenant-General Brian Horrocks), while X Corps (Lieutenant-General Herbert Lumsden) was to exploit the success. The Panzerarmee had lost roughly 75,000 men, 1,000 guns and 500 tanks since the Second Battle of Alamein and withdrew. USSME, Rom 1986. [129][133], The Eighth Army had 13,560 casualties, of whom 2,350 men had been killed, 8,950 wounded and 2,260 were missing; 58 percent of the casualties were British, 22 percent Australian, 10 percent New Zealanders, 6 percent South African, 1 percent Indian and 3 percent Allied forces. Casualties, particularly in the north, as a result of incessant artillery and air attack, had been severe. Where are they?" Montgomery wrote. [119], The 7th Armoured Division was ordered cross-country to cut the coast road at Sidi Haneish, 65 mi (105 km) west of the Rahman track, while the 1st Armoured Division, west of El Dada, was ordered to take a wide detour through the desert to Bir Khalda, 80 mi (130 km) west of the Rahman track, preparatory to turning north to cut the road at Mersa Matruh. Fighting continued in this area for the next week, as the Axis tried to recover the small hill that was so important to their defence. Mario Montanari, Le Operazioni in Africa Settentrionale - Vol.III El Alamein (Gennaio-Novambe 1942), Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore Esercito, Roma 1989; Carlo Geloso (ed. [127] Montgomery envisioned the battle as an attrition operation, similar to those fought in the First World War and accurately predicted the length of the battle and the number of Allied casualties. On the morning of 3 November 7 Armoured Division would pass through and swing north heading for the railway at Ghazal station. At 16:00, Rommel launched his major attack. Discreto stato. SEDE LEGALE. By 11 November, the number of Axis prisoners had risen to 30,000 men. Roma Club Vallecorsa 1974. 44th Division's 131st Infantry Brigade cleared a path through the mines, but when 22nd Armoured Brigade passed through, they came under heavy fire and were repulsed, with 31 tanks disabled. [47][57] Most other units were also under strength, on half rations and many men were ill; Panzerarmee Afrika had only enough fuel for three days.[18]. Ufficio Storico Stato Maggiore Esercito-USSME, 3 Bde.) El Alamein: il fronte di El Alamein ha sicuramente un'importanza notevole per gli amanti della storia militare italiana. They now sat atop Miteirya Ridge in the south-east. The attack was to be supported by all the available artillery of both X and XXX Corps. Autor*in Pasquale Scipione Format E-Book. At 11:00 on 2 November, the remains of 15th Panzer, 21st Panzer and Littorio Armoured Divisions counter-attacked 1st Armoured Division and the remains of 9th Armoured Brigade, which by that time had dug in with a screen of anti-tank guns and artillery together with intensive air support. [74] This proved to be Rommel's last attempt to take the initiative and as such his defeat here represented a turning point in the battle. By dark, the division was only 15 mi (24 km) west of the Rahman track, the 9th Armoured Brigade was still at the track and the 6th New Zealand Brigade even further back. Ogni volume, attraverso 70 foto in bianco e nero, 10 tavole a colori e 3 mappe, fornisce dettagliati resoconti delle varie campagne esaminate. This product can be bought with COD Description; Product Details; Storia (1969). [79] Rommel told his commanders, "It will be quite impossible for us to disengage from the enemy. CRONOLOGIA DELLA 3a BATTAGLIA DI EL ALAMEIN The battle opened at 21, 40 hours on October 23 with an sustained artillery barrage. [77] The Australians suffered 200 casualties in that attack and suffered 27 killed and 290 wounded. Historians debate the reasons Rommel decided to advance into Egypt. Si sono svolti oggi presso la Chiesa Parrocchiale di Roveredo in Piano in funerali di Michelangelo Scandola, uno degli ultimi sopravvissuti della storica battaglia di El Alamein (1942), deceduto nei giorni scorsi presso l’Ospedale civile di … Nel suo tragico epilogo, El Alamein rappresentò il canto del cigno dell’Armata Corazzata Italo-Tedesca: ingaggiata in quella che sarebbe stata la battaglia decisiva della guerra in Africa Settentrionale, subì l’annientamento nel corso di furiosi combattimenti contro un nemico molto più forte in uomini e mezzi. At dawn, the KRRC had not reached its objective and had to find cover and dig in some distance from Woodcock. [84] Rommel began to plan a retreat anticipating retiring to Fuka, some 50 mi (80 km) west, as he had only 90 tanks remaining, against 800 British tanks. Private Sid Martindale, 1st Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, wrote about the "Bologna" Division, which had taken the full weight of the British armoured attack:[l], The more we advanced the more we realised that the Italians did not have much fight in them after putting up a strong resistance to our overwhelming advance and they started surrendering to our lead troops in droves. In Playfair the estimate for this figure is 104,000 comprising 54,000 Italians and 50,000 Germans including the 19th, 249 German tanks and 298 Italian tanks: 31. [78] The German and Italian forces that had participated in the counter-attack formed an outpost and held on until the arrival of German reinforcements on 1 November. [47] Rommel's arrival did boost German morale, though there was little he could do to change the course of the battle which was already well underway.[48]. Un amore impossibile tra un reduce della battaglia di El Alamein e una giovane carovaniera Tuareg. 214 Pin • 14 follower. It fought well and inflicted heavy losses on the enemy. However the minefields were not yet fully cleared when the assault began. Meanwhile, 1st Armoured Division—on the Australians' left—should continue to attack west and north-west, and activity to the south on both Corps fronts would be confined to patrolling. Le menti della battaglia di El Alamein: Erwin Rommel e Bernard Montgomery In the situation which you find yourself there can be no other thought but to stand fast, yield not a yard of ground and throw every gun and every man into the battle. Il pomeriggio del 22 giugno il comandante dell'Afrika Korps, generale Erwin Rommel si incontra a Gambut con il suo collega italiano generale Ettore Bastico, per discutere quali decisioni sono da prendere circa l'offensiva italo-tedesca in corso. Once the infantry reached the first minefields, the mine sweepers, including Reconnaissance Corps troops and sappers, moved in to create a passage for the armoured divisions of X Corps. By the time they had reorganised they were well behind schedule and out of touch with the creeping artillery barrage. El Alamein 1942. Around midnight, 51st Division launched three attacks, but no one knew exactly where they were. His mobile forces (XX Corps, Afrika Korps, 90th Light Division and 19th Flak Division) were ordered to make a fighting withdrawal while his other formations were to withdraw as best they could with the limited transport available. In these circumstances we had to reckon, at the least, with the gradual destruction of the army.[102]. At 23:00 on 26 October 2 Battalion, The Rifle Brigade would attack Snipe and 2nd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps (KRRC) would attack Woodcock. [32], Rommel held the 90th Light Division further back and kept the Trieste Motorised Division in reserve near the coast. [132] Axis tank losses were c. 500; on 4 November, only 36 German tanks were left out of the 249 at the beginning of the battle. In the meantime, the Panzerarmee dug in and waited for the attack by the Eighth Army or the defeat of the Red Army at Stalingrad. Weblinks. Late on 27 October, the British 133rd Brigade was sent forward to recover lost positions but the next day, a good part of this force was overrun by German and Italian tanks from the Littorio and supporting 12th Bersaglieri Regiment and several hundred British soldiers were captured. and at 13.30 on 3 November Rommel received a reply, To Field Marshal Rommel. [81], The night of 30 October saw the third Australian attempt to reach the paved road and by the end of the night they were astride the road and the railway, making the position of the Axis troops in the salient precarious. To keep Rommel's attention on the coastal sector, Montgomery ordered the renewal of the 9th Australian Division operation on the night of 30/31 October. Gentry said "I don't mean your headquarters tanks, I mean your armoured regiments. [90], The 9th Armoured Brigade had started its approach march at 20:00 on 1 November from El Alamein railway station with around 130 tanks and arrived at its start line with only 94 runners (operational tanks). EL ALAMEIN Raccolte di Aldino Bondesan. Brossura editoriale ingiallita e ombrata con lievi segni d'uso. The attack met determined resistance, mainly from the 185 Airborne Division Folgore, part of the Ramcke Parachute Brigade and the Keil Group. New Zealand engineers cleared five lines through the mines allowing the Royal Dragoons armoured car regiment to slip out into the open and spend the day raiding the Axis communications. [50], The attack in the XIII Corps sector to the south fared no better. On 27 August, Kesselring promised Rommel that supplies would arrive in time but Westphal pointed out that such an expectation would be unrealistic and the offensive should not begin until they had arrived. [67], At 06:00, the 2nd Armoured Brigade commenced its advance and ran into such stiff opposition that, by noon, it had still not linked with the KRRC. This operation was code-named Operation Bertram. The artillery lost 111 guns and the DAF lost 77 British and 20 American aircraft. Book. Both moves failed, the 7th Armoured Division finished the day 20 mi (32 km) short of its objective. Only about half of the infantry attained their objectives and none of the tanks broke through. The regiments ran out of fuel again, 30 mi (48 km) south-west of Mersa Matruh. Technology has developed, and reading Ritorno a El Alamein Grande e piccola storia Vol 4 books could be more convenient and much easier. The 24th Armoured Brigade started a little later and was soon in contact with the Rifle Brigade (having shelled them in error for a while). The New Zealand Division group had hoped to reach their objective by mid-morning on 5 November but was held up by artillery-fire when picking their way through what turned out to be a dummy minefield and the 15th Panzer Division got there first. Autore: Richard Doherty Codice: 220746 Prenota Richiedi informazioni Dillo ad un amico. [70], When it was discovered that neither Woodcock nor Snipe was in Eighth Army hands, 133rd Lorried Infantry Brigade was sent to capture them. Over 100 tanks were involved and half were destroyed by dark.