// DefaultFormRenderer Their interest in you is blown out! Nella sua prima apparizione Tito si mostra come un uomo già avanti con gli anni e minato nella salute, occhi marroni ed i capelli quasi ormai tutti bianchi, porta sempre al collo una collana e veste abiti sempre di colore scuro, grigio, viola o blu. Quintus demonstrates his new ruthless nature by condemning him to the mines. seen during the flashback sequence of Oenomaus when he first came to the House of Batiatus, while it was under the patronage of Titus. "[2] Batiatus was the fourth main character to be killed and the last in the first series. La mini serie segue la storia della casa di Batiato e della città di Capua prima dell’arrivo di Spartacus. Lucrezia (Lucy Lawless), è la moglie del lanista Quinto Lentulo Batiato, interpretato da John Hannah e doppiato da Franco Mannella. Fictional Character Batiatus pauses for a moment and reflects on all the murders he has committed or orchestrated in his life. Although, neither are well received. Eventually, the brawl concludes with Batiatus as the victor, as Vetius lays unconscious and Tullius is taken as hostage. As the gladiators finish their qualifying matches right before the primus, Batiatus preps his men with a hearty speech, despite them being outnumbered. ― Batiatus before kicking Calavius from his chair. Speak, before I carve out your fucking tongue! "Madness?" Suras' last moments before dying on Batiatus orders. have sex. Gannicus ignores this and kills the opponent just before they arrive. As a boy, he witnesses his father carefully instruct a new recruit, Oenomaus, in what it means to be a gladiator. Do you shoot magic coins out of your ass? Quinto Lentulo Batiato, proprietario della scuola di gladiatori di Capua, suggerisce di assegnargli il nome “Spartacus”, perché ha combattuto come l’omonimo re Trace. Other than his name (which is still disputed) and the fact that he was a lanista in Capua, next to nothing is known about the historical Batiatus. Spartacus then slashes Batiatus' throat, and he falls to the ground and dies while barely clinging to the hands of his dying wife. Lucretia convinces her husband to murder his father while she secretly tries to get pregnant by Crixus. As Gaia suggests Crixus and Gannicus fight Varus questions the use of wood instead of steel. When parting ways, Spartacus remarks to Crixus how Batiatus told him to "Accept his fate..." but is cut off before he could finish by Crixus who finishes the sentence "...or be destroyed by it". Before it begins Vettius interjects and states that Gannicus is missin. Foto: Starz), Určitě nejlepší herecký výkon z celé série a nejlepší postava, co se záporáků týče :), Velký + za to jaký ho hrál herec a za jeho brutálně luxusní hlášky :-D. Kdysi jsem ho nesnášela, ale ted si uvědomuju, že byl jako padouch naprosto geniální. Era un lanista e il maestro di Spartaco. ―Batiatus to Spartacus, "See their hatred burning beyond control!? The only other thing Quintus seems to care about, apart from his own dreams of wealth and status, is his equally sadistic and manipulative wife, Lucretia. Batiatus has garnered a large amount of debt in the city, and has difficulty paying it off, as the drought has forced the price of basic food supplies up, and Solonius' men have become the favored gladiators of Capua. Koupil Spartaka s rizikem a doufal, že zformuje surový talent do gladiátorské dokonalosti. The conflict between the love Batiatus feels for his wife and the need to impress his father, is a key motivator in Batiatus' life, driving him to extreme actions in the course of the drama. input.style.display = 'none'; Existuje jen velmi málo věcí, které jí Batiatus může nebo bude odpírat. ―Batiatus to Spartacus. This b. etrayal is revealed, and a deadly rivalry is formed. Champion of Capua! Batiatus then allows Gannicus to have sex with his dear friend Melitta, who is married to his best friend Oenomaus, all under the orders of Varus. I will have your fucking hearts! Some prominent modern historians, such as Barry Strauss, subscribe to the belief that the name "Batiatus" is a corrupted form of the cognomen "Vatia". Quintus believes this will impress his father and put him back in retirement but the exact opposite happens. Meanwhile Solonius seeks to give Quintus a gift of wine while Tullius comes upon him and pays for the wine and tells him he has doubled his offer for Gannicus and wishes to present him to a prominent Roman by the name of Quinctilius Varus who edits the games of the Vanalia. After Varus departs granting them the primus Quintus celebrates with a threesome with Lucretia and Gaia. Tell me Thracian, how will you pay for her release if found? Venduto come schiavo al lanista Quinto Lentulo Batiato, Spartacus continua a combattere per il divertimento del popolo, ma cerca al tempo stesso di ricongiungersi alla sua amata e riconquistare la libertà. Titus enjoys the stay but insists they return home. Titus comes out and reveals that they are not in the primus and Gannicus will not even appear. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As a Lanista, Batiatus' profession was viewed as part of a cross-section of society known as the. You were belched from the cunt of the underworld—that's why I favor you. Venduto come schiavo a Quinto Lentulo Batiato, Spartacus continua a combattere per il divertimento del popolo, ma cerca di ricongiungersi alla sua amata e riconquistare la libertà. Gannicus soon departs, leaving Crixus champion by default. After revealing he was hired by another house, Quintus slits his throat with a knife merely for personal satisfaction. Papež měl moc korunovat krále a mohl je také koruny zbavit,… více, Ve světě, kde jsou myšlení a víra kontrolovány, jeden muž bojuje, aby vědění osvobodil. Batiatus stages an attack by bandits and murders Sura on the day of her promised arrival. What Batiatus does not realize is that his greatest and favorite gladiator has new plans outside of the ludus and arena. Quintus celabrates with another threesome only this time is interrupted by his disapproving father, Titus Lentulus Batiatus. Forced to bend to the whims of his father at every turn, Quintus finally begins to shine when Titus suddenly takes ill and takes rest in Sicily, leaving him in charge of the ludus. He also brings along the Syrian recruits Ashur and Dagan. ―Batiatus to Spartacus, "No one wishes to see you fight! As the conversation moves forward Doctore mentions his knowledge of how Barca was not granted freedom but instead was killed by Batiatus. After forcing Glaber to patronage in hopes of rising in the noble hierarchy the treatment of the gladiators and slaves becomes unbearable to the point where despair fills the walls. He then charges at Spartacus only to be swiftly beaten by him. Quinto Léntulo Batiato se hace lanista (el director) cuando él asume el ludus de su padre. As Gannicus and Melitta shamefully enjoy and finish the deed Oenomaus kills Doctore. ", "You counsel to suck the cock that pisses on me!" Quintus Lentulus Batiatus is a Lanista, a trainer and trader of gladiators. È la moglie di Quinto Lentulo Batiato (Spartacus), il proprietario della scuola dei gladiatori di Capua. Solonius then suggests freedom for Gannicus, infuriating Quintus although the lanista reluctantly agrees. After a magnificent showing by Gannicus he is ready to kill his opponent. INFO [ Info sul file ] Nome: Spartacus.2x02.Sacrificio.agli.Dei.ITA-ENG.720p.HDTVRip.DD5.1.x264-DarkSideMux.mkv Data: 5/06/2012 00:36:20 // Manual render Quintus and his wife Lucreita are watching the games accompanied by their then good friend, Solonius. He sees his wounded wife, who has been stabbed in the abdomen by Crixus, and tries to go to her but is blocked off by Spartacus. Following Naevia's banishment, Batiatus and Doctore hold words over the mistreatment of the gladiators by Glaber's soldiers. She dies in Spartacus' arms. As Vettius' man is introduced Gannicus appears and the crowd goes wild. During this time he also has a close friendship with Marcus Decius Solonius, another aspiring lanista. Tullius is soon brought into the new arena to be buried alive, but not before Batiatus and his men repeatedly stab him in the abdomen, leaving Batiatus' rival to die slowly and painfully in the wall of the arena. If so, squat and produce!" In doing so, however, he clashes frequently with rival lanista Vettius and his friend, Tullius, and a bitter rivalry begins between the three. Quintus allows real swords to be used as Doctore gives a dissaproving glare. No. Beg? It is also uncertain if he was actually killed during the slave revolt in his ludus. Soon after Gannicus is officially elevated to champion and Oenomaus reluctantly assumes mantle as Doctore. Batiatus is mentioned both indirectly and directly a few times throughout the course of War of the Damned, solely by former slaves that remain from the House of Batiatus. ― Batiatus informing Spartacus that fighting in the Pits is now the only hope for him to free Sura, "No child is unstained by the deeds of his father. Tiene la ambición de ganar a la sombra de su padre para buscar el reconocimiento de su propio nombre y encontrar la grandeza de su casa. Fonte: Wikipedia . Spartacus serie de televisión que presenta, de manera novelada, la vida del famoso gladiador rebelde Espartaco.También muestra la vida y peripecias de sus compañeros gladiadores y de los romanos más próximos a Espartaco. ― Batiatus revealing his intent to kill Calavius for spruning his ambitions. This man was the best of friends with Solonius and wished to rise far above his father with his own gladiators, only to sink deep into a corrupt world in order to achieve that goal. Tomorrow, they will settle this grudge in the arena! Batiatus is a middle aged man of average stature and girth. With Spartacus having now lost the only thing left in his former life, Batiatus begins molding Spartacus into his ideal, perfect gladiator. Batiatus soon pleas for Oenomaus for help but the latter doesn't comply angering him as he looks around at the rebelling gladiators. Batiatus uses profanity more than any other character in the series. Quintus plans for the recruits to set upon Vettius while Lucretia and Gaia bring Varus to their villa since Gaia knows him. After the city is ignited by this performance arranges another meeting with Tullius. He can appear both friendly and menacing, depending on his mood. This psychotic obsession for wealth shows little sign of conscience or mercy. While not appearing directly, a younger version of Batiatus is. Solonius, however, betrays Quintus and convinces Vettius to give him all his Gladiators. The dog who defies death! Batiatus, right before his revenge on Tullius and Vettius. var labels = input.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('label'); Batiatus uses the promise of returning Spartacus' wife to him as motivation to fight and train hard. Batiatus leads Lucretia, Numerius, Domitia and Aurelia through the villa and combats a gladiator (that killed Domitia), who he manages to kill. Dotato di un’incredibile forza, il giovane riesce a battere gli avversarsi e guadagnarsi la grazia. He can appear both friendly and menacing, depending on his mood. He normally wears robes befitting of a man of his station, yet tries to go out and beyond to portray himself as an elite. Čtyři sta let po založení republiky je Řím nejmocnějším městem světa. Batiatus, following his beating by Tullius. if (labels[i].getAttribute('for') == 'frmloginForm-spam') { The House of Batiatus struggles to gain any prominent position in the Gladiatorial games ever since Titus Batiatus left to recover in Sicily while his rival Vettius who, despite having inferior gladiators, gains much higher position. During the massacre of the Romans by Crixus in Sinuessa en Valle, Laeta berates the Rebels for their cruelty with Naevia remarking their particular brutality was learned from Batiatius. All are heartbroken, as Quintus and Oenomaus arrive minutes later to find their loved ones dead from the poison. Meanwhile, as Barca is stabbed by Tullius' man, Batiatus from behind stabs him through his mouth, and beats him down as he dies. Per tutta la prima serie assistiamo ai sogni di Quinto Lentulo Batiato di entrare in politica grazie alla fama acquisita presso i potenti di Roma con le vittorie dei suoi gladiatori e le feste che organizza. Later that night he asks his former champion who he'd grown up with, Oenomaus, who'd hit a milestone in Gladiator history by being the only man to face Theokoles and live, if Gannicus wad ready to assume mantle as Champion. All three ashamed and disgusted at what they did. He is the main protagonist in Gods of the Arena and the main antagonist of Blood and Sand. (, To read the original historical sources, see. Batiatus appears as one of the major characters in Spartacus: Swords and Ashes and Spartacus: Morituri. labels[i].style.display = 'none'; Further discord ensues when Quintus, during adulthood, marries Lucretia, a woman whom Titus heartily disapproves of and considers beneath their station. He is already beginning to show his age in his wrinkles. Spartacus diventa un allievo nella scuola di gladiatori gestita dal lanista Quinto Lentulo Batiato (interpretato da John Hanna) il quale, in cambio delle vittorie del trace e dei soldi che gli farà guadagnare, gli promette di ritrovare sua moglie. That night Titus falls terribly ill forcing Quintus and Oenomaus to search for medicine in town. Quintus hears this and plans an orgy while he and his father leave to find a new champion in Neapolis. }, Přihlásit trvale Zůstanete přihlášeni po dobu 30 dní, Nejste uživatel Edny? Quintus goes out to the training square and finds a recruit giving the missio. Seriál se zaměřuje na Leonarda… více, Pirátské dobrodružství kapitána Flinta, který byl nejobávanějším pirátem své doby, a Johna Silvera, který ukradl mapu… více, Rok 52 před Kristem. // Hide input and label Entradas sobre Léntulo Batiato escritas por unahistoriacuriosa. ...Oh I intend to [release you], from this fucking world!" Lucretia allows Melitta to be with Gannicus and bring some wine leaving Lucretia alone with Titus. Believing advantage to Spartacus' fame, he sees a fight to the death between Spartacus and Crixus take place for all the nobles of Capua in order to help secure his place. He is head of his family's ludus in Capua, and is Dominus to Spartacus and most of the other gladiators that appear throughout the series. Gannicus brings her corpse up to the villa. Gannicus infatti può rappresentare la sua opportunità personale per liberarsi della pesante ombra del padre che non ha rispetto del suo operato e per dimostrare alla moglie Lucrezia le sue capacità di leader. Nejlepší záporák, hlavně ty jeho hlášky :D. Na venek hodnej v nitru parchant, ale musí se nechat jeho inteligence. During the orgy Gaia is killed by Tullius. Quinto Lentulo Batiato, proprietario della scuola di gladiatori di Capua, suggerisce di assegnargli il nome “Spartacus”, perché il suo stile di combattimento gli ricordava quello dell'omonimo re trace e approfitta della situazione offrendosi di comprarlo. Able to execute his skills properly for the first time, he begins to advance the ludus upward, and eventually trains and presents his first champion, Gannicus, to great favor. Narra la sangrienta historia de la Casa de Batiato y la ciudad de Capua cinco años antes de la llegada de Espartaco. Spare me? My nose pointing towards your wife's dripping thighs?" Spartacus! Titus made a deal with Oenomaus that if Gannicus defeats Crixus he would stay champion but if not he would he sold to Tullius. This, however, doesn't appear to surprise Spartacus and the two share a laugh though agreed he was right about one thing. Later, after years of faithful service and with little to no proof of disobedience, he orders the death of Barca merely on the rumor and suspicion he did not execute the young child as ordered. He tells his Doctore to see one of his veteran gladiators, Barca, readied to accompany him on a mission. His father reveals that Solonius coaxed him back to the city and that he will have a meeting with Tullius. Espartaco fue un esclavo tracio que lideró la rebelión más importante contra la República romana en suelo itálico conocida como III Guerra Servil, Guerra de los Esclavos o Guerra de los Gladiadores, hecho … He then tells Doctore he will soon be granted freedom upon Batiatus' own elevation, and that Doctore shall be known by his true name, Oenomaus, once more but as a Lanista, and that he wil have to learn to deal with similar situations in the future. Hmm? Quintus then gets into an argument with Doctore over how the ludus is being run. There is still a man, deep within him, who believes in honor. With aid of Ashur, Batiatus has Calavius abducted and murdered. Quinto Lentulo Batiato diventa lanista quando il padre gli affida l'amministrazione della palestra dei gladiatori. HUH?! Quintus, soon sees a slave of Tullius, Crixus, fighting. Spartacus then taunts Batiatus with the same words and lies used when the Thracian first arrived at the ludus. He enjoys flaunting his fortunes and victories in the face of fellow lanista and hated competitor (and once-close friend and confidant) Marcus Decius Solonius, no matter how small his successes may be. Cast: Liam McIntyre, Manu Bennett, Dustin Clare, Daniel Feuerriegel, Simon Merrells, Todd … The men continue to walk and plan. "[3] Even after discovering proof Barca had been falsely accused, Quintus still justifies his death for merely intending to purchase freedom from slavery with the saved winnings of his victories in the arena, something he promises all his gladiators will earn one day. Glory to Rome!!!!!!! Narra la sangrienta historia de la Casa de Batiato y la ciudad de Capua cinco años antes de la llegada de Espartaco. "No you mistake me, I am but a base animal. This in turn has Calavius talk down to Batiatus about his desires and thus creations a friction of in Batiatus' mind. Quinto Lentulo Batiato diventa lanista quando il padre gli affida l’amministrazione della palestra dei gladiatori. The next day the fight starts. Quinto Lentulo Batiato diventa lanista quando il padre gli affida l'amministrazione della palestra dei gladiatori. He sees this as an opportunity to recruit a promising gladiator and gain favor with Tullius. He soon has Lucretia, Numerius and Aurelia flee, as he goes off to battle his former slaves alone. Tentokrát se ho ujmula britská stanice BBC One, která nám… více, Stanice History odvypráví v čtyřdílné dokumentární minisérii příběh o vzniku a pádu Římské říše. Quintus clearly disappointed and knowing the rest of the games will be sub par, decides to leave with his wife and friend. Sura was returned to Spartacus eventually, but dead by Quintus's orders. Once again the gods spread the cheeks and ram cock in fucking ass!" While trained to follow in the footsteps of his forebears, Quintus expresses political ambitions early on in his life, ambitions not shared nor approved of by his sire. Usually, the first born son is named after his father. The House of Batiatus may be descended from freedmen of the House of Lentulus. After a long talk and Titus revealing he truly loved his son, Quintus stops his attempt and goes home to Lucretia. He is also frequently mentioned throughout the season by many characters. Egli ha tuttavia intenzione di non essere più l’ombra di suo padre e, per At some point in his life, he wanted to join the Roman Legions and gain military experience, but his desire was declined by his father who wanted Quintus to solely become a Lanista when his time came. TELL ME MY HERITAGE, MY FAMILY NAME BEARS NO WEIGHT AMONG YOU AND YOUR NOBLE COCK EATERS! Massacre at the House of Batiatus Casualties, https://spartacus.fandom.com/wiki/Quintus_Lentulus_Batiatus?oldid=58859, Escaped Gladiator – Stabbed in the stomach. Furthermore, when Glaber commandeers the Ludus to be used as his headquarters, the statue of Batiatus in the atrium is revealed to have a blood splatter across its neck, ironically on the same spot where Spartacus slashed Batiatus's throat.