[36] The accompanying story was about the 52nd annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden as if observed by the basset hound puppy. Its movement is humorous looking and slow, but not clumsy. St Hubert's original hounds are descended from the Laconian (Spartan) Hound,[25] one of four groups of dogs discerned from Greek representations and descriptions. Il tartufo deve essere di colore scuro e con narici ampie. The dog, Fred, was personally picked by lead actor Burt Reynolds because it refused to obey commands.[37]. https://bassethoundlowdown.wordpress.com/2015/09/01/j-j-morgan-the-basset-hound-that-charmed-america/. Generally black, white and tan (tri-colour) or tan/lemon and white (bi-colour); but any recognised hound colour acceptable. The E allele allows for the production of both red and black pigments, so is present with the majority of colour patterns in Basset Hounds. Le origini della razza derivano da cani da caccia francesi e dal Bloodhound. Sélection des meilleures lignées pour favoriser la valeur génétique du Basset. Le origini della razza derivano da cani da caccia francesi e dal Bloodhound. Prospective owners must be prepared to handle bassets firmly and patiently. Gli Aristogatti, grandissimo Classico Disney, è uno di questi. Il carattere, come già detto, deve essere quello di un segugio, tranquillo, mai aggressivo, molto coraggioso e "testardo" (deve essere in grado di rimanere concentrato su una traccia per lunghi periodi di tempo), come tutti i cani da caccia deve essere estremamente devoto al padrone e in grado di lavorare in muta. 72. Le Basset Hound, célèbre chien Télé Z, est très populaire, notamment aux États-Unis. Basset Hounds have large pendulous ears[8] (known as "leathers") that do not allow air to circulate inside them, unlike other breeds with erect or more open ears. Basset Hounds, Dachshunds and Bulldogs are a few of the dog breeds classified as Achondroplastic. [20] Basset Hounds are also prone to epilepsy, glaucoma, luxating patella, thrombopathia, Von Willebrand disease, hypothyroidism, hip dysplasia, and elbow dysplasia.[14]. The Miniature Basset Hound is a light-boned dog, unlike the Basset Hound, which is heavy-boned due to its breed development of being mixed with the Bloodhound. L'espressione è seria e placida. Más relevantes. El basset hound es una raza de perro que forma parte del grupo de los sabuesos. Les yeux sont très doux et tristes, ce qui rend son regard irrésistible. Many cartoon dogs are based on the Basset, such as Droopy, with several Bassets appearing in animated Disney films. Le corps est fort et allongé. Een jonge Basset mag u nooit uitputten door hem bijvoorbeeld lange wandelingen te laten maken. 12x $ 295. Descubre la mejor forma de comprar online. L'ossatura è forte. Ha una testa importante e molto caratteristica, con orecchie lunghe ed una espressione molto dolce che ammalia. 12x $ 1,235. sin interés. Basset Hound - Tutte le caratteristiche, Prezzi e Dove trovarlo, Basset-Hound rescue per adottare un basset abbandonato, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Basset_hound&oldid=111669032, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, indicativamente Maschio 30-36 kg Femmina 24-30 kg. [14], In addition to ear problems, basset hounds may be susceptible to eye issues. Envío gratis. Their sense of smell and ability to ground-scent is second only to the Bloodhound.[1]. Basset hound. 1.2K likes. Nonostante il Basset Hound debba gran parte della sua selezione iniziale alla Francia, oggi è considerato dalla FCI un cane di origine inglese. L'aspetto generale deve essere quello di un cane consistente, tozzo ma non goffo o impacciato nei movimenti, estremamente "bassotto". In the TV series The Dukes of Hazzard, a Basset Hound called Flash served as a companion to Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane. Le museau est profond et lourd, les lèvres pendantes. In the television series Columbo, Lieutenant Columbo owns a basset hound named Dog. 16. en. Personalizado S $ 14,818. en. Basset Hounds are usually bicolours or tricolours of standard hound colouration. A hátvonala a lágyékánál enyhén íves lehet. Basset houndin säkäkorkeus on 33–38 cm. The litter was delivered by caesarean section, and the surviving pups were refined with French and English bassets. While some of these dogs were certainly Basset Artésien Normands, by the 1880s linebreeding had thrown back to a different heavier type. But I would only count on this breed obeying his training in an enclosed area. Le Royaume Uni. Le basset hound est une race de chiens originaire du Royaume-Uni selon la Fédération cynologique internationale.La race s'est formée au cours de croisements entre plusieurs races de bassets français. They drool a lot due to their loose flews. Mentre il secondo è un cane di taglia medio-grande (ossatura compresa), che però ha le zampe corte. His last appearance was on the Hallmark Hall of Fame, playing against Tom Bosley in 1959.https://torontooldnews.wordpress.com/2019/12/09/mr-morgan/. 48. Tan can vary from reddish-brown and Red to Lemon. The Basset is a scent hound that was originally bred for the purpose of hunting hare. La coda deve essere lunga, preferibilmente terminare bianca e portata alta a formare una sciabola, nella parte inferiore il pelo è più ispido mentre la parte superiore è uniforme è priva di frange. He played a dog from Pluto on Captain Video and appeared in a Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movie. These scent hounds were described as large, slow, 'short-legged and deep mouthed' dogs with a small head, straight nose, upright ears and long neck, and either tan with white markings or black with tan markings. Ty Beanie Babies, Tracker El Perro De Basset Hound $ 792. Más relevantes. The Basset Hound stands no higher than 14 inches at the shoulder but, with his remarkably heavy bone, powerful little legs, and massive paws, he possesses big-dog strength and stamina. Red and Lemon colours are caused by the e allele of MC1R. La selezione di questa razza ha portato quindi a sviluppare la morfologia di questo cane ed al miglioramento delle sue doti venatorie. Basset Hounds are often used as advertising logos. The first mention of a "basset" dog appeared in La Venerie, an illustrated hunting text written by Jacques du Fouilloux in 1585. The logo for Hush Puppies brand shoes prominently features a Basset Hound whose real name is Jason. The name basset is derived from the French word bas, meaning 'low', with the attenuating suffix -et—together meaning 'rather low'. Il Basset Hound (bassotto gigante o bassotto segugio) è un cane di formazione francese, di selezione inglese e di sviluppo americano. The modern Basset Hound descends from French dogs that were bred in Great Britain in the late 1800s. No black hairs will be present on either Red or Lemon dogs. Because Bassets are so heavy and have such short legs, they are not able to hold themselves above water for very long when swimming, and should always be closely supervised in the water. Il movimento deve essere sciolto. [citation needed]. This breed differs in being straighter and longer in the leg and having shorter ears.[35]. [3][4] Its neck is wider than its head. He had a plush toy modeled on him. [20] Leading causes of death in the 2004 UK Kennel Club survey were cancer (31%), old age (13%), gastric dilatation volvulus (11%), and cardiac (8%). Le Basset Hound est une race assez ancienne qui provient du chien St.Hubert. It is believed that the Basset type originated as a mutation in the litters of Norman Staghounds, a descendant of the St Hubert's Hound. Questa razza è molto diffusa in Inghilterra e negli Stati Uniti, patrie che hanno reso famosa questa razza al resto del mondo grazie a partecipazioni di alcuni esemplari di Basset-Hound a film, telefilm e spot televisivi di successo; indimenticabili "Cane", il bassethound del tenente Colombo e "Flash", il bassethound dello sceriffo Roscoe di Hazzard. If there are any black hairs, the dog is officially a tricolour. De Basset hound (ook wel Bassethond) is een laagbenige jachthond van Engels-Franse afkomst. Se on matalaraajainen, ylimitoitetun vankkatekoinen, pitkärunkoinen ja löysänahkainen. A dispetto del suo retaggio storico di cane da punta, il Basset Hound è un perfetto animale casalingo.[2]. Among the 226 live Basset Hounds in the 2004 UKC survey, the most-common health issues noted by owners were dermatologic (such as dermatitis), reproductive, musculoskeletal (for example, arthritis and lameness), and gastrointestinal (for example, gastric dilatation volvulus and colitis). Envío gratis. The AKC originally recognized this dog breed in 1935 as a member of the hound class. In Disney's 1986 film The Great Mouse Detective, a Basset Hound named Toby is the dog of Sherlock Holmes. This dog’s thick, tight coat protects from brambles without becoming caught in them. Il Basset Hound è un cane morfologicamente particolare con il suo corpo lungo e le zampe corte. Maar met een consequente aanpak kunt u deze honden zeker het één en ander bijbrengen. The Basset Hound is a short-legged breed of dog in the hound family. Erikoisen ulkonäön vuoksi sitä ei voi sekoittaa mihinkään muuhun koirarotuun. The Basset is a scent hound that was originally bred for the purpose of hunting hare.Their sense of smell and ability to ground-scent is second only to the Bloodhound.. Basset Hounds are one of six recognised "basset"-type breeds in France. The Basset Hound is a friendly, outgoing, and playful dog, tolerant of children and other pets. The Basset Hound is a short-legged hound dog with an unbelievably advanced sense of smell. They eventually found their way to Constantinople, and from there to Europe.[25]. Another television basset in the 1950's was Morgan. Ze zi. Avec Achetermonchien, achetez votre chiot ou chien de race Basset hound. Géniteurs. Ordenar publicaciones. [10], The Basset Hound's short stature is due to the genetic condition osteochondrodysplasia (meaning abnormal growth of both bone and cartilage). En 1883 le Basset Hound a été reconnu par le ‘kennel club’ anglais, mais il y a deux tendances : celle qui voulait garder l’instinct de chasse et celle qui voulait en faire un chien de compagnie grotesque. Many Bassets have a clearly defined white blaze and a white tip to their tail, intended to aid hunters in finding their dogs when tracking through underbrush. Chiots Basset hound à vendre. The Basset's short legs are due to a form of dwarfism (see: Health). Il basset hound (conosciuto anche con il nome di bassotto gigante)[1] è una razza di cane originaria dell'Europa, il cui nome deriva dall'unione del termine francese "Bas" (bassetto), e dalla parola inglese "Hound" (segugio). He appeared often on The Garry Moore Show Jackie Gleason and many other variety shows. Basset hound on suuri, matala lyhytraajainen englantilainen ajava koira, jolla on pitkä runko ja enemmän luustoa ja massaa, kuin millään muulla samankorkuisella koiralla. [20] See Mortality and Morbidity below. The Basset Hound has heavier bone, in proportion to total size, than any other breed. Scopriamo insieme i tratti principali del suo carattere e qual è il prezzo per un cucciolo di questa specie. Cliquez ici. [30], The controlled breeding of the short haired basset began in France in the year 1870. [29] Ten years later in 1863 at the first exhibition of dogs held in Paris, basset hounds attained international attention. Ik waak voor mijn baas waakbord met afbeelding van de basset hound. 18 resultados. Cliquez ici. Basset Hound de México. Le Basset Hound est un chien placide, amical, doux aussi bien avec les enfants que ses congénères (même ceux du même sexe) et les autres animaux qu'il est amené à côtoyer. [12][13] This bone growth abnormality may be a predisposing factor in the development of elbow dysplasia seen in the breed, which leads to arthritis of the elbow joint. [27][28] The dogs in Fouilloux's text were used to hunt foxes and badgers. Syndicated comic strip Fred Basset has been a regular feature in newspapers since 1963. The oil in their coat has a distinctive "hound scent", which is natural to the breed.[7]. On February 27, 1928, Time magazine featured a basset hound on the front cover. [38], In the young adult novel The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, the basset hound is the symbol of college society 'The Loyal Order of the Basset Hound.[39]. [15], Basset Hounds are prone to yeast infections[16] in the folds around the mouth,[17] where drool can collect without thoroughly drying out. This pattern is most easily seen on Mahogany dogs, although any Basset colour pattern may express the EM allele, except for "red and white" or "lemon and white" due to e/e.[6]. [24] Scent Hounds were used for hunting in both Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. They are usually Black, Tan and White tricolors or Tan and White bicolors. Pour tout savoir sur le basset : son caractère, mode de vie, particularités physiques. La differenza infatti che salta subito all'occhio tra "bassotto" e "bassetto", è appunto che il primo è un cane piccolo in tutte le dimensioni, più lungo del normale. They are also widely known for being stubborn. Il ne se montre jamais agressif et est toujours prêt à jouer malgré son apparence faussement indolente. De kortharige vacht is meestal driekleur (zwart-wit-bruin) of roodwit. Kärjistetysti basset hound on melko suuri koira, … y en torno a los 70 / 80 cm. [33] This standard was updated in 2010. Mayor precio. Ellen Hardenberg. Find Basset Hound Dogs and Puppies for sale in the UK near me. Originally, it was not going to appear in the show because Peter Falk believed that it ‘already had enough gimmicks’ but once the two met, Falk stated that Dog ‘was exactly the type of dog that Columbo would own,’ so he was added to the show and made his first appearance in 1972's Étude In Black. Le orecchie sono lunghe fino a superare (di poco) la lunghezza del muso ed attaccate basse (sotto la linea dell'occhio). Wejdź i znajdź to, czego szukasz! Basset Hounds have been featured in popular culture many times. [22] The oldest of the 142 deceased dogs in the 2004 UK Kennel Club survey was 16.7 years. From the existing bassets, Count Le Couteulx of Canteleu fixed a utilitarian type with straight front legs known as the Chien d'Artois, whereas Mr. Louis Lane developed a more spectacular type, with crooked front legs, known as the Basset Normand. Like all dogs, Basset Hounds must be taught to come when called. Envío gratis. Overweight Basset Hounds develop many serious health issues, including bone and joint injuries, Gastric Dilatation Volvulus and paralysis. Tidewater Petroleum advertised its "Flying A" gasoline using a basset hound named Axelrod. The goal is to increase is agility and speed of the dog, making it excellent for tracking and hunting small … Les chiots. A szegycsont kiugró, a könyökök igen közel vannak a testhez. Basset Hound detto anche: Bassetto, Bassotto gigante. These precursors were most likely bred back to the St. Hubert's Hound, among other derivative French hounds. Their ears must be cleaned inside and out frequently to avoid infections and ear mites. Basset Hound 10 Dog Bowl Para Comida O Agua. Melissa & Doug Gigante Basset Hound - Realista Relleno Anima $ 2,947. en. Ad oggi viene considerato un cane da compagnia, data la natura tranquilla e paziente, affettuosa e gioiosa sia con i bambini che con tutte le altre persone e la sua fortissima indole al gruppo gerarchico-sociale e alla muta. HIDFQY Basset Hound Acrílico Espejo DIY Gigante Reloj de Pared Tienda de Mascotas Raza de Perro Reloj Grande Sin Marco Reloj de Pared Regalo de Perro Mascota 37 Pulgadas Negro: Amazon.es: Hogar Gli occhi sono a losanga, non infossati o estrusi, deve essere visibile una porzione di congiuntiva ma non eccessiva. The basset type originated in France, and is descended from the 6th century hounds belonging to St Hubert of Belgium, which through breeding at the Benedictine Abbey of St. Hubert eventually became what is known as the St Hubert's Hound around 1000 AD. Tiendas oficiales Solo tiendas oficiales (1) Categorías Perros (15) Peluches (2) Antigüedades y Colecciones (1) Condición Nuevo (16) Usado (2) … The previous FCI standard described the characteristic skin of the Basset, which resembles its ancestor the Bloodhound as "loose". A fara hosszú és magas, széles háta vízszintes. Il Basset Hound, conosciuto anche con il nome di Bassotto Gigante, deriva dai cani da caccia francesi e dal Bloodhound. Entre y conozca nuestras increíbles ofertas y promociones. Like all dogs, the Basset Hound's coat is naturally oily. A bordák szépen íveltek és erősen hátrahúzottak. The Basset Hound is a short-legged breed of dog in the hound family. Des dizaines d'annonces d'éleveurs pour trouver une portée de chiots Basset hound à acheter. [31], French basset hounds were being imported into England at least as early as the 1870s. The e allele is recessive, so red and lemon dogs are homozygous e/e. https://torontooldnews.wordpress.com/2019/12/09/mr-morgan/, https://bassethoundlowdown.wordpress.com/2015/09/01/j-j-morgan-the-basset-hound-that-charmed-america/, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, "Why Do Scent Hounds Have Long Floppy Ears? The source of colour is the E Locus (MC1R), which has four alleles: EM, EG, E, and e. The EM, E and e alleles are present in the Basset Hounds. Il labbro superiore copre completamente quello inferiore, i denti devono essere forti e con chiusura a forbice. Menor precio. These were bred together to create the original Basset Artésien Normand. [9], According to the Basset Hound Club of America, the height of a Basset should not exceed 14 inches or 36 cm. Ovviamente del Basset Hound, detto anche bassotto gigante. Il Basset Hound è il cane perfetto non solo per le più famose serie televisive ma anche per i cartoni animati. The large muzzle gives ample room for the olfactory apparatus. Any hound coloration is acceptable, but this varies from country to country. Generalmente se le usa para la caza de venados, liebres y zorros, entre otros animales como el faisán, ya que su caza es más especializada. 12x $ 79. Lassie had a Basset friend named Pokey early in the Lassie television series. In the early days of television, Elvis Presley famously sang "Hound Dog" to a disinterested top hat-wearing basset hound named Sherlock on The Steve Allen Show on July 1, 1956. Other famous TV Bassets are the wisecracking Cleo from The People's Choice, and the sheriff's dog Flash in The Dukes of Hazzard. Nonostante da ormai molti anni non venga praticamente più utilizzato per le proprie doti venatorie, lo standard tende a conservare le caratteristiche, sia morfologiche che caratteriali, che rendono questo cane un ottimo segugio da pista di sangue (o pelo) e a non esasperare l'aspetto estetico. It makes a good family companion. Le basset hound est un chien courant de petite taille, de type basset, de forte corpulence. It is speculated that the long ears may stir up ground scent, and the wrinkles trap the scent around the face. Standard n. Il basset hound (conosciuto anche con il nome di bassotto gigante) è una razza di cane originaria dell' Europa, il cui nome deriva dall'unione del termine francese "Bas" (bassetto), e dalla parola inglese "Hound" (segugio). Le BASSET HOUND est le chien idéal par excellence. El origen de esta raza data de finales del siglo … La tête est longue mais bien proportionnée, le stop est modérément marqué. Lemon dogs are lighter in colour than Reds, but the genetic mechanism that dilutes phaeomelanin in this instance is unknown. The earliest-known depictions of short-legged hunting dogs are engravings from the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. A basset hound also serves as the companion to the lonely Maytag Man in Maytag appliance advertisements. La queue, portée toujours ga… Zo goed als nieuw Ophalen of Verzenden. This, combined with the loose skin around its face and neck means that flat collars can easily be pulled off. Sono accettati tutti i colori del segugio ed il bianco o bianco/arancio. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 23 mar 2020 alle 19:10. Until after the French Revolution around the year 1789, hunting from horseback was the preserve of kings, large aristocratic families and of the country squires, and for this reason short-legged dogs were highly valued for hunting on foot. The Basset Hound is a short-legged dog, heavier in bone, size considered, than any other breed of dog. There is a Basset Hound in the Smokey and the Bandit movie series. [5] They are extremely vocal and famously devoted to tracking. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. The Basset Hound generally comes in two colors, Tri-color or Tan and White. Le sue lunghe orecchie, ad esempio, permettono al Basset-Hound di convogliare gli odori risalenti dal terreno direttamente al suo tartufo, gli arti corti con unghie molto lunghe e spesse sono invece molto utili per infilarsi in tane o cespugli, mentre la coda, che spesso termina bianca in punta permette al cacciatore di rintracciare il cane nell'erba alta. Kenmerken van de basset hound zijn een robuuste bouw, korte poten, losse hoofdhuid, afhangende onderste oogleden en lange oren. La zona del collo deve esprimere forza e presentare una moderata giogaia. Advertise, Sell, Buy and Rehome Basset Hound Dogs and Puppies with Pets4homes Because of their droopy eyes the area under the eyeball can collect dirt and become clogged with a mucus. Basset hound na Allegro.pl - Zróżnicowany zbiór ofert, najlepsze ceny i promocje. The dewlap, seen as the loose, elastic skin around the neck, and the trailing ears which along with the Bloodhound are the longest of any breed, help trap the scent of what they are tracking. Running away from you. ", "Histopathologic study of long-bone growth plates confirms the basset hound as an osteochondrodysplastic breed", "Elbow Dysplasia (Ununited Anconeal Process)", "Here's Why You're Finding Mucus Around Your Dog's Eyes", "Basset Hound Health Considerations | Pets4Homes", "Inbreeding impact on litter size and survival in selected canine breeds", "Pictures: Millions of Puppy Mummies in Egypt Labyrinth", Breed standard, Basset Artésien Normand (DOC file), "The Early History of the Basset Hound in England, 1874-1921", "Standard of the Breed Bassethound with Comments by Iva Černohubová", Breed standard, Basset Hound 2010 (DOC file), https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076729/trivia, "A Lieutenant's best friend: Columbo and Dog", "The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Summary", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Basset_Hound&oldid=999264130, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. http://www.morganthebassethound.com/ and appeared in a Life Magazine article. Median longevity of Basset Hounds is about 10.3 years in France and 11.3 years in the UK,[18][21] which is a typical median longevity for purebred dogs and for breeds similar in size to Basset Hounds.